Reading posts on Facebook and other social media, I feel inundated with advice on how to improve my life, get a new start, get balanced, manifest my desire, achieve my goals etc. It's as if there would be nothing more important this year than to work my sizeable behind off trying to get my physical and spiritual self into shape.
I know, I am one of those people who can only handle so much of bodily and mental punishment and discipline before I cave in and sacrifice myself on the altar of junk food and lying in front of the telly like a beached whale - not that I am as big as a whale (for the record). And here out comes the rebel in me and I say with complete peace of mind and total complacency: bring on the days when I can claim with absolute honesty that all I want is all the easy things. I want take away for dinner, I'm fine not doing the house work, I can handle the washing piling up and the lawn not mowed.
As the dust gathering on the mantle of the fireplace shows, I am well on my way. And I am! This is the utter truth! I am well on my way to living a balanced, stress free life. So what if the floor is not wiped this week? Or what about the garden that needs a good pruning because it looks like some primeval forest with who knows what growing in it. (I swear I can hear dinosaur sounds coming from it.)
It is now that I have let go of all that I HAVE TO do is that I find time for all that I WANT TO do. And that makes me look at all my responsibilities in a different light. I no longer cringe at the thought of all the tasks that make up my everyday life. I no longer see them as a chore. I feel empowered rather than being driven by some sort of urge to make it through the week and crashland on the weekend. There is no more guilt! There is only freedom!
This is the power in your mundane everyday. Your life isn't going to turn upside down. Things will still get done. It is your attitude towards those mundane things that will change. They are going to transform into something that you can even enjoy, knowing that you have the power to put them off when needed and invest yourself into YOURSELF.
I always teach my kids to work smarter rather than harder. On face value this almost seems lazy and even condescending. It certainly doesn't mean to use dishonesty. It just means that if there is a way to make something easier, do it! Simplify your life and let go of the guilt for your own success over others'. Accept all that is coming to you, whether it be a lesson or a blessing. Step into your power! IT'S YOURS! TAKE IT!
Louisa Hufstader said ”if it’s worth resolving once a year, it’s worth resolving everyday"