Wednesday, 7 July 2010

The Healers’ Craft

By Andrea Kaldy

Published in inSpirit Magazine Vol 3, Iss 1

From ancient times mankind had been using artistic impressions to manifest their desire. Think of the cave-paintings, crude fertility statues and other artefacts found all over the world. The main purpose for example for the paintings was to ensure a successful hunt, not just in the quantity of meat provided but also in the safety of the clan members' return.

In the event when someone in the tribe was not that lucky, they were buried with everyday objects representing a continuum from this world to the next. The fertility statues were used to bring abundance to the people and the land in the way of healthy crops, livestock and even human offspring.

Eventually these representations made their way into shamanic healing practices. Ancient shamans would make up figurines from various materials available and use them in their work as a tool to bring healing to the sick. They would utilise their knowledge of herbs and chants among other things to charge the doll for the appropriate purpose.

In modern times it's just as easy to make your own, should the need arise. In this article I am giving you some ideas on how to produce your very own healing doll, including tips on planning and carrying out a healing ritual.

When would I use a healing doll?

Healing dolls can be used for both physical and emotional healing. Make sure that you are clear on where the issue lies. You may make one for yourself, or a third person, although in that case you will need to ask that person for their permission, otherwise it may be seen as interference. I believe that firmly.

How do I get started?

Once you determined what it is you want to heal, you will need to plan what items you will need. You may take into consideration the person's condition and choose your ingredients accordingly. To start with, you will need some material to make the doll from. Choose that according to the person's gender and cut out the appropriate shape. To make it simple I just use the universally recognised shapes for restroom signs. Cut out two pieces that are large enough for you to handle easily from your chosen material. I prefer to use organic based material, such as cotton or linen.

Depending on what you are healing, gather the herbs and other material. I like using dried flowers and herbs and use a pestle and mortar to crush and blend them together. You will find a list of recommended ingredients at the end of this article.

Intent is very important, since you will need to infuse the doll with it. Be clear on what you want to achieve. Remember, if you can heal, you can also harm. You are making a healing doll, so the intent must always be to heal. I believe in the universal law that what you put out will return to you. You may wish to write down your intention, may even turn it into a short poem. Do as you feel inspired to do.

I've got all the ingredients, now what do I do?

Sew up the doll leaving a small part open where you can insert the stuffing. Use a mortar and pestle to combine your ingredients, keeping in mind the size of the doll. If you don't have a mortar and pestle, just use a mixing bowl and wooden spoon. While mixing and crushing the ingredients, hold the healing intention firmly in your mind, and repeat it like a chant until all the mixing is done. This is called charging.

Fill the doll with the mix and sew up the opening. Put identifying marks on the doll that are characteristic to the person the doll is being made for. You can draw on hair, birth marks, scars etc. You may even write the person's name or initials on the doll. You may keep chanting the words for your intention while you are doing all this.

Once the doll is finished you may give it to the person it was intended for and they will need to keep it close to them until recovery is complete. Do not discard the doll in the rubbish once the goal is achieved. The person may keep it safely tucked away indefinitely or they may find a suitable spot where they may bury it in the ground with care.

What can I use to make my healing doll?

Here is a list of things generally used in healing. By all means, this list is just an example and therefore incomplete. You may use only one, or a combination of these ingredients. You may also add your own touch if you feel like it.

Herbs and plants

Dried apple peel, cinnamon, ivy, marjoram, rosemary, mistletoe, carnations, lavender

Gems and crystals

Green jasper, rose quartz, sunstone, sea salt


Linen, cotton or other natural textile, coloured thread for sewing (usual healing colours are blue, white, gold, yellow), tissue paper (you may want to write your healing chant on this and insert it into the doll), essential oils (you may anoint the doll with it or mix it into the ingredients.

Remember, use this only for healing. The healing doll aids in the recovery of a person but does not replace appropriate medical diagnosis and care.

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