Anger, jealousy, hurt – they are all emotions that carry enormous amount of energy with them. That energy builds up and escalates the more we keep it inside and hide it. It's like accumulating electric charge in a circuit. That circuit is eventually going to overload and short out. This is how we feel when we get overwhelmed. Also, remember wen you were a child, on rainy days, especially during a prolonged rainy period you felt like you just wanted to explode and bounce off walls?
Both these instances we are dealing with excess energy that is just absolutely busting out while we are trying to keep it all under control. The second instance is easy, just go for a walk, bike ride, play some footy in you front yard to get rid of all that energy. It will tire you out, fill your blood with oxygen and stimulate some endorphins. Sounds like fun? You bet!
How can we, then apply similar principals to emotional energy if that is at all possible?
As I mentioned in my previous article Being in Neutral that energy is neutral. Once we truly realise this, we can use any sort of emotional energy to our advantage.
The first stage is though to recognise that we have this excess emotional energy. If we are fuming over something we can't really change, dwelling on past hurts extensively and obsessively, I'd say that would be a sure sign that we have excess energy. Being in that state has a weighing down effect on our whole being, mind, body and soul. What do we do then to turn this around?
Once we have acknowledged what emotional energy we have in excess, we have achieved the biggest, though hardest stage of this process. Through this process we need to be true to ourselves in admitting to what emotion is creating the excess energy. This process is not specific to any particular type of energy, but applies to all. This is where the healing begins.
Use this overflow of energy to motivate and propel you towards your goal. Whenever you are feeling tired, run-down, unmotivated, call on these excess energies to obtain that extra oomph you need to get going.
Do you feel angry at your boss for passing you over for a promotion?
Do you sit thinking how you deserve it and would be better at the job than the person who got it?
This is an example of excess emotional energy. All that angst you feel when you're thinking about that could be put to better use. As Ivana Trump says in the movie, The First Wives Club, "Don't get mad! Get everything". To me, this is the true meaning of that line. It's not suggesting revenge. It's suggesting that you get on with your life with gusto and not waste one moment on self-pity.
Accept the fact that whatever happened cannot be changed or undone and with that funnel your energy into getting a new job for example. Or showing off how much better you are then the other person by letting your Spirit truly shine without the cloud of the negative emotion hanging over you.
You can channel this energy into physical exertion as well. Go for a jog or sing your heart out at karaoke night with friends. Use it for anything that will nourish your Spirit. Soon you will realise that you don't have that negative emotion hanging over you anymore.